CeloLaunch IDO — Introducing GameUp

3 min readJan 20, 2022

In this article, we will have an overview over GameUp — a platform empowering established games to come on blockchain directly through API and reward system.

About GameUp

1. Project Overview

GameUp allows any centralized games’ users to swiftly convert their in-game rewards into $GMU tokens. GameUp will empower already established games to come on blockchain directly through our API and rewards system.

a) Features

  • Use $GMU tokens to purchase in-game items from different games
  • NFT Marketplace to mint your unique rewards & trade
  • P2P Marketplace to exchange rewards with other user
  • Stake $GMU
  • Social Network to interact with other users and explore more games

b) Process Flowchart

c) Product Demo

2. GTM Strategy & Product Viablitity

GameUp is not only one of the projects that has its own demo of minimum viable product to show at the beginning but they also have a wide range of investors and advisors, including the well-known launchpad MoonStarter and famous venture capital OIG. GameUp is also launched on InfinityPad.io: https://t.me/infinitypad_io/1227

GameUp may create new trend in the current crypto market with its fresh and actionable idea of combining blockchain with traditional games to reward both GameUp and traditional game users. Users who have received rewards from GameUp can also use them to stake and receive additional bonus rewards.

Additionally, users may mint their own prizes from conventional games using GameUp’s NFT technology and exchange them with other users in a peer-to-peer environment. GameUp also builds a distinct social network for GameUp members to communicate with one another.

3. Product Roadmap

4. Technologies

  • Binance Smart Chain

5. Team

6. Partners & Backers

7. Token Economy

GameUp Token ($GMU) can be used to purchase in-game items from different games or exchange rewards with other users. Users can also stake $GMU for passive income or mint NFT of their unique rewards.

8. Token Distribution

9. Official Links

About CeloLaunch Labs

CeloLaunch Labs — Venture Capital of CeloLaunch, identifies, aims, and empowers viably potential decentralized entrepreneurs, startups, and communities, providing financing to industry projects that help grow the project larger in Celo and other ecosystem.

Website: https://labs.celolaunch.io

About CeloLaunch

CeloLaunch provides a constantly expanding set of decentralized services by offering revolutionary, flexible technology to add value to the DeFi industry as a whole, in CELO Network specifically. Startups may boost their initiative and reward communities by utilizing our services. Our vision is to construct an autonomous launchpad on CELO after recognizing the CELO Network’s future potential.

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